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Warm Salad with Prawns

I think this is one of the healthiest meals I’ve had throughout this whole circuit breaker period. It was also my excuse to use up what’s left of my Hollandaise sauce. You can choose various types of vegetables but these were the ones that I bought and am finishing up. Ingredients: 1 asparagus stalk, sliced...


Quinoa with Chicken and Asparagus

I know, I know…this doesn’t look like much but it tasted amazing! It was so simple to cook as well, which is great during this pandemic where we’re all stuck at home but still lazy. I was tempted to call this a 3 ingredient dish…but…if you count garlic and oil, it’s really not 3 ingredients,...


k-Grain Kefir Probiotics

With the COVID-19 virus pandemic, more than ever we need to boost our immunity to best defend ourselves against any potential infection. Did you know that our guts contain 70% of the cells in our immune system – where there is a complex relationship between gut bacteria and immunity. That is why the effectiveness of...


Laziest Mac & Cheese

This is for us lazy cooks and students! I’m not a student by the way. Hahaha. But this dish is perfect for those days after work where you forgot to take out the meat or fish to thaw. I used almond milk instead of dairy milk but feel free to use whatever milk you prefer....


Decadent Hamburger with Blue Cheese

So I made this as my New Year’s Eve dinner and I didn’t realise that I haven’t posted the recipe for it! I posted on Instagram and some people were surprised that I made burgers from scratch…but yes, I did. What was my inspiration? Gifts from my bro Well, first off, I need to thank...


Beef Wrap With Caramelised Onions

I’ve been down with a stomach flu for the past 1 week and so, I wanted something that was a little light, fuss free and easy to prepare. Also, I had an over-ripened avocado. So, I turned the avocado into a very simple guacamole, which provided the creamy base and ‘sauce’ for my wrap. The...


I’m finally on Pinterest!

I’m finally on Pinterest and if you’d like a more organised ‘board’ of my posts on my nail art plus my recipes, do follow me there at Besides those 2 boards, do give me suggestions on what other boards I should put up as I’d love to hear from you guys. Big thanks in...


Lobster Bisque Risotto

It was a nice quiet afternoon where mum and bro were overseas so there were no lunch plans for dad and I. Thus, I decided to do what I’m good at – 1 pot meals. I went a little lazy and used a can of lobster bisque soup for this dish. Really good for the...

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