St-Rémy, the renowned French brandy distillery, proudly announces its latest creation, St-Rémy Signature, a groundbreaking masterpiece crafted by esteemed Master Blender Cécile Roudaut. Launched in Singapore on 4 March 2024, St-Rémy Signature sets a new standard in brandy craftsmanship through a revolutionary double maturation process, while upholding the time-honoured traditions and historically smooth profile of St-Rémy.
The distinctive double maturation of St-Rémy Signature begins with the initial ageing in new oak casks (Quercus Petraea species with fine grains) under medium and high heat, delivering spiced notes, indulgence, and vivacity. The second maturation takes place in traditional casks (Quercus Robur species with big grains) with high heat only, providing roundness, balance, and sweetness, ultimately defining the personality of the brandy.
This unique process results in St-Rémy Signature delivering spiced notes, opening with indulgence, youth, and vivacity, followed by roundness, balance, and sweetness. On the nose of the brandy is a sweet aroma composed of virgin wood and spice such as vanilla, coconut or almond, and fresh fruits. On the palate, the flavours are subtle and round with virgin woody notes enriched with honey, nut and butter flavours. Fruity aromas start fresh, before becoming candied. Sweet spices bring strong roundness and balance
Master Blender Cécile Roudaut reflects on the significance of double maturation, “This maturation corresponds to that life stage when youth offers us all: ferocity, a dash of power, and heightened ambitions. These are beautiful years – passionate and intense – when creativity has no boundaries, and where our own uniqueness finds its roots. The second maturation corresponds to the next human life stage when moving slowly, the ferocity of youth turns into wisdom; self-confidence grows. St-Rémy Signature represents this awareness we have of our true potential when we understand the authentic product of our own history.”
The bottle design is elegant, with notable features including an embossed lion, a cork stopper with a second engraved lion on the top, and a cool grip at the neck that highlights the brandy’s French origins with a tri-colour Lys flower. The bottle is also clear, to showcase the luminous, bright-amber colour of the brandy, enhanced by fiery red sparks. The label is also clean and refined, to encapsulate a deliberately crafted look and feel.
(Left to right) Brooklyn Bar’s Intergalactic, Potato Head Singapore’s Creme de la creme
The Harmony of Signature Cocktails
St-Rémy Signature is designed to be enjoyed neat or on the rocks, and its true strength lies in its versatility. This brandy opens up a new realm of creativity for bartenders and mixology aficionados. To celebrate its launch in Singapore, St-Rémy Signature has partnered with five up-and-coming bartenders who have each crafted a unique coffee-based cocktails using St-Rémy Signature. Coffee is chosen as the sweet, oaky fragrance of the brandy effortlessly combines with the robust bitterness of coffee to offer a symphony of flavour.
(Left to right) Mama Diam’s TiREMYsu, Qin Bar’s St-Rémy Café Royale, Naga House’s Alexander Shake)
Bar Supervisor Hex from Mama Diam will be shaking up a TiREMYsu, featuring the French brandy, Tia Maria coffee liqueur, Nanyang coffee cold brew, dark cocoa liqueur, mascarpone cream and vanilla. At Potato Head Singapore, Head Bartender Daniel Fong presents Crème de la crème, comprising St-Rémy Signature, espresso, mango passion cream, lemon juice and butter shavings to top it off. At Qin Bar, Senior Bartender Kelvin Low makes a St-Rémy Café Royale, with Cazcabel Coffee Tequila Liqueur, Cointreau cream, and nutmeg. The Alexander Shake by Naga House’s Bar Manager, Boon, comprises St-Rémy Signatures, Creme De Cacao, espresso, miso caramel, banana, and vanilla ice-cream. Namdev Kalipermal, Barman of Brooklyn Bar, offers a milkwash cocktail in the Intergalactic which features hints of Pistachio milk, salated caramel, hazelnut and passionfruit.
Additionally, from 12 March to 30 April 2024, cocktail enthusiasts who order a St-Rémy Signature cocktail at the five participating bars will also have the chance to win a Nespresso machine valued at S$249. Winners will be informed by the respective bars by 14 May 2024 to collect the prize.
St-Rémy Signature is set to redefine the world of brandy, offering a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation that appeals to both connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike. Experience the artistry of St-Rémy Signature, where each sip tells a story of craftsmanship, heritage, and unparalleled flavour.
Images: St-Rémy Signature
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