Loading Up On Antioxidants

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As you know, I was quite ill 2 weeks ago with sore throat and what not. It was only later that I realised that I was having a healing crisis from my parasite cleansing but it was still important to tackle the symptoms of my illness.

I got my box of Jeunesse Reserve gel packs a month ago and have been taking it faithfully everyday.  What I like about it is that it’s super delicious and you can taste the fruits used in this blend – cherries, blueberries and grape seed. As we know, antioxidants help repair our bodies on the cellular level. There are many different types of antioxidants but they basically help to combat free radicals and prevent aging while boosting immunity and energy levels.

On normal days, I drink one gel pack in the morning and I do find that it had similar effects on me as caffeine in terms of energy levels. I felt more alert but unlike caffeine, there wasn’t a crash or heart palpitations. After one week, I was convinced that the ingredients used were good stuff. So when I started having that bad sore throat, all the more I needed to combat it and support my body’s natural defence by boosting it with Vitamin C and antioxidants.

My usual ‘cure’ for sore throats is apple cider vinegar with honey. This time round, I added in my Jeunesse Reserve to the mix. As the gel drink itself is very sweet, you may be able to add in more vinegar. I used warm water as it was more soothing but you can add in ice if you want it cold.

The eventual concoction is this dark purple drink. It still tasted like cherries, vinegar and honey. It was quite delicious and it did help with the energy levels despite me being so sick.

To purchase your month’s supply of gel packs, visit http://shop.passhen.com/collections/jeunesse/products/reserve or http://passhen.jeunesseglobal.com.

To request for a sample, send an email to marketing@passhen.com with your name and mailing address.

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