As I’m cutting out more gluten from my diet, I’ve stopped eating my usual Bircher Muesli in the mornings. Instead, I’ve decided to try making Chia Pudding as it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and is as filling as oat.
Above is my jar of chia pudding and the recipe is so simple that the only reason why anyone can’t make this is that they simply can’t get the ingredients. For me, I decided to make my pudding with coconut water and rice milk.
To make the chia seed pudding:
1 cup of chia seeds
1 cup of coconut water
1 cup of unsweetened rice milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tbsp manuka honey
Mix everything together and leave it in the fridge overnight. It’ll turn into a slightly gelatinous mixture which is the chia seed pudding! Each batch will last about 5 days.
I topped it off with some fresh strawberries and it was delicious like that. It was rather tasty on its own too! The next day, I mixed in some yoghurt and it was also very yummy as the yoghurt gave it a creamy flavour. I loved the subtle taste of the honey as well as the coconut water. Next batch, I’ll just use rice milk and see what kind of flavour that would yield. Perhaps the honey taste will be more pronounced.
One surprising thing is that it really is quite filling. I didn’t feel as bloated as I would when I ate Bircher Muesli but it managed to satisfy my stomach for 4 hours.
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