Bats Cake Pops for Halloween – Fail :(

Home / Recipes / Dessert / Cake / Bats Cake Pops for Halloween – Fail :(

Bought this on my birthday and was inspired to bake them for Halloween. I even planned a party at the bestie’s place just so that I could showcase my Bats Cake Pops! The instructions from the kit made it seem sooo simple…

and initially, it was. I just had to mix the red velvet pre-mix with an egg and melted butter, give it a good whisking before baking it.

“Cut the cooled cake into squares and crumble it. Mix it in a bowl with half of the frosting.” Yup…that part is simple too.

“Roll the cake mixture into balls.” Uh…that’s harder than it seems!! I squished the cake mixture as much as I could before forming the balls but a lot of them still crumbled and I couldn’t mould them into proper round balls.

“Lightly pinch the top of the balls to create the ears.” Uh huh…more crumbling happened. Gave up on the pinching to create said ears.

After freezing the balls for 20 minutes, now came the time to coat it with the black sugar/fondant/whatever. More cake horror. Sure…they had a nice ‘tip’ to work fast but honestly, the trouble came even BEFORE the dipping occurred. The balls broke into halves when I stuck the sticks into them!! maybe I should’ve gone against instructions and stuck them in before freezing the cake balls. Some of the balls disintegrated while I was dipping them so my sugar coating mixture had cake crumble inside. (-_-)

In the end, this is how my sad Bats Cake Pop turned out. I call them dead bats. Needless to say, nobody was impressed by dead bats and most complained that they were too sweet. Bah. Trick or treat! 😛

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