October Food Haul

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Went to Meidi-ya one day with the parents after having a Japanese curry dinner and these 2 bags of crisps caught my eye. Thank you UK for the interesting flavours!

The large bag of Guinness chips (S$5.95) tasted like lightly salted potato chips with a very slight aftertaste of stout. I really don’t mind having my stout like this but I would’ve preferred a stronger taste. Dad loved it and gobbled the whole bag down.

I grew up eating Marmite and Bovril where it was a MUST to add it into plain rice porridge. I like eating it with toast too. For this bag of Marmite flavoured crisps (S$1.95), it had that distinct yummy fermented yeast flavour on the potato but less salty. It’s not too bad but I have tried Marmite’s hard pretzels and those were much more Marmitey.

I saw this on sale at Bugis Junction’s atrium and I couldn’t resist it. For S$8.50, I could indulge myself in the caramel goodness of Lotus biscuits and eat a large slice of it! Yum in my tums! I think this will slowly become my new food obsession. I may end up putting it on any carb that can be eaten with sweets.

By the way, I normally do food and restaurant reviews over at my usual blog www.melfann.blogspot.com but if you prefer it on this blog, do let me know and I’ll start doing the food stuff on this blog rather than on my melfann account.

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