Kimchi ‘Sukiyaki’ with Beef and Shirataki

Home / Recipes / Korean / Kimchi ‘Sukiyaki’ with Beef and Shirataki

One of my favourite restaurants, Sho Teppan, has decided to take the Kimchi soup base off their menu and as such, I’m forced to recreate my favourite dish at home! What a girl needs to do in order to satisfy her cravings…

Anyway, this is a lot cheaper than eating at a restaurant (obviously) and the best part is that I don’t use any MSG in my soup base so after eating and drinking the soup, I don’t have that distinct MSG-derived thirst. My recipe below serves only 1 and I opted for Shirataki as my ‘carb’ because it is almost calorie-free but it makes you feel very full.

2 cabbage leaves, sliced
1/2 cup mussels/clams, shelled (this is mainly to flavour the soup)
1 packet of kimchi (about 180g)
7-8 slices of beef (I chose wagyu karubi)
3 cups water/stock
1 tsp korean chilli paste
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 packet of shirataki
salt to taste


  1. Boil the water with the whole packet of kimchi. Take the kimchi cabbage out when it becomes tasteless.
  2. Add the mussels and cabbage into the soup and boil till the cabbage becomes soft.
  3. Add the chilli paste and balsamic vinegar into the mixture. Taste the soup and add in salt/ paste/ vinegar to your preferred taste. If you want it really spicy, add in sliced red chilli.
  4. Once the vegetables are cooked, add in the shirataki and bring it to a boil.
  5. Add in the beef and lightly cook it.
  6. Pour everything into a large bowl and serve.

Estimated calorie count is 300 and I’m sure that you can guess where it mainly resides…yes, it’s from the beef. If you use chicken, the calories will reduce but honestly, at 300 calories, it really isn’t a lot. You will feel superbly full due to the vegetables and shirataki while the meat is just like the icing on this wonderful spicy ‘cake’. Other things that you can add into this: mushrooms (I recommend enoki), carrots, tofu and leeks.

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